... 676&p=1398
During Manuel's internship, I improved the VesicleBuilder step-by-step (thanks go to Manuel for his valuable comments!

James, if I understand it correctly, you are trying to make a micelle which contains only lipids in the EC. This is possible, yes.JamesJX wrote:Everytime I attempt to make a micelle utilizing the Vesicle Builder I get a mistake message (java.lang.NullPointer Exception). Lipids were allocated to EC. By allotting lipids to IC they are added to the basic circle, however the procedure pends in the beginning including lipids stage and I can not stop the methodology.
It is safe to say that it is ordinary that I can not intrude on the inital including lipid process? As far as I can tell is this just conceivable after the inital procedure is done and the lipids are being shaken however it would be pleasant not to need to slaughter the entire programm over and over.