Class MembranModelSingleton

  extended by membranModel.MembranModel
      extended by membranModel.MembranModelSingleton

public class MembranModelSingleton
extends MembranModel

This class generates an instance of the membrane model.

Method Summary
static MembranModel getInstance()
          If an instance of membrane model does not exist an instance will be generated.
static void setInstance(MembranModel membran)
          This function replaces the existing membrane model with a new one.
Methods inherited from class membranModel.MembranModel
addComponent, addComponents, addProtein, complete_scaling_proteins, countProteins, getAllProteins, getBackground_color, getBiLayerSpace, getBiLayerType, getCelltype, getColor, getColors, getDate, getDescription, getHash, getMembraneTitle, getName, getPercent, getProtein, getProteinNames, getSelection_color, getSpecies, getVRMLFile, getXz_area, removeAllComponents, removeComponent, removeComponents, setBackground_color, setBiLayerSpace, setBiLayerType, setCelltype, setDate, setDescription, setHash, setMembraneTitle, setName, setPercent, setSelection_color, setSpecies, setVRMLFile, setxz_area, setxz_area
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static MembranModel getInstance()
If an instance of membrane model does not exist an instance will be generated. Otherwise the existing instance of the membrane model will be returned.

Membran model


public static void setInstance(MembranModel membran)
This function replaces the existing membrane model with a new one.

membran -