This new sub-forum contains a set of algorithms to be used in conjunction with the MembraneEditor. [jar] files can be used with the standalone and the web start edition, [java] files can only be used with the standalone edition, but contain the source code. For more information on plugin development, please see:
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MyMembraneAlgorithm [java]

Post by bjoern » 12.01.2015, 14:36

This very basic algorithm is used for this introduction: ... troduction

It is a good way to start with the development of Membrane Packing Algirithms.

This algorithm has to be used with the standalone version of the MembraneEditor.
MyMembraneAlgorithm: a very simple algorithm, supports microdomains
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With this algorithm, it is possible to change the PDB model on the run, if the used PDB lipid file contains multiple model entries.
MyMembraneAlgorithmChangeModel: a very simple algorithm, supports microdomains and the change of models
(8.36 KiB) Downloaded 1150 times

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