This forum is aimed towards anybody who is working with the the MembraneEditor. Installation instructions are found here. Any questions, remarks or critics are welcome. Also this is a chance to get in contact with other users.
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Post by bjoern » 01.04.2009, 01:01

This is the section for the Frequently Asked Questions - please first look here, before posting a question.

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Post by bjoern » 01.04.2009, 01:15

Oh man, do I really have to add my username and my password everytime I start the application? Can't I work with it offline?
Yes, you can work offline! You only have to login to the webpage for the first downloading process and if you want to update your version. Just cancel the authentification two times and you can start working with the application offline.
This is obsolete. This note is only kept for historical reasons. Since the test phase is over, the Logins have been removed.
authentification.jpg (18.91 KiB) Viewed 56001 times

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Update Fault

Post by bjoern » 01.04.2009, 01:34

After updating I get an error message and the starting fails! What's up?
This my happen, if some new files has been added to the Workspace by the update, e.g. new help files. Just restart the program, the fault should not appear again and normally there should be no negative effects to your installation itself.
Error Message during Update.
Error Message during Update.
anwendungsfehler.jpg (8.63 KiB) Viewed 55989 times
Additional Infos to the Error Message.
Additional Infos to the Error Message.
anwendungsfehler_zusatz.jpg (31.44 KiB) Viewed 55989 times

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SSL, where is the Lock-Symbol?

Post by bjoern » 01.04.2009, 02:26

Hey, where is ths SSL symbol in my browser when I connect to the starting page? I don't trust in that!
The CELLmicrocosmos-Page is working with IFrames. In this IFrame, there is another independent HTML-page. The Starting page is SSL-secure. This has the advantage, that the rest of the Webpage is not loaded with the https-protocol - which is much faster, and - of course - also not necessary for looking at regular informations.
Note: If you are using Mozilla Firefox, you can open those frames seperately by right-clicking on it and choosing the appropriate option.
ssl_in_frame.jpg (28.79 KiB) Viewed 55983 times

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Post by bjoern » 01.04.2009, 16:10

What means Developer (Edition)?
After the first full release there will be the direct accesible Standard Edition. Therefore Users will not need to Login to the page - there will be a direct download.
And on the other hand, there will be the Developer Edition, which allows to import own algorithms into the program and exchange those with other users, bundled with the documentation, API and access to the newest jar-library. For this Edition it is first planned to provide access only to cooperation partners.
This is obsolete. The online version is always the Developer Edition. This note is only kept for historical reasons. It is not planned to restrict the Developer Edition to special logins in future. If you have an old release saying "Standard Edition", please update to the new version.
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Post by bjoern » 02.04.2009, 23:20

When I click on "New Membrane Model", it lasts a little bit long, until the next window appears. This is strange!
A membrane is saved in .cm2-format. Not long ago, we simply saved this files with .xml suffix. So when the actual directory is read, all XML-files there are parsed, if the content is really Cm2-compatible. Therefore at the moment, the files are double checked, by the suffix and the content.

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Post by bjoern » 27.08.2009, 10:06

After downloading the application for the first time, the program does not start and shows an "Unexpected Error". Why?
Please check the version of your Java installation. You will need Java 6. The program is developed in Java 5, but for the Webstart version Java 6 is needed.
Maybe you have different Java versions installed on the system, and the webstart application is started with a version older than 6.
If you are using a Macintosh with Mac OS X, you will need at least version 10.5, because version 10.4 DOES NOT support Java 6!
details_inlay3.jpg (32.67 KiB) Viewed 55928 times
details_inlay1.jpg (31.63 KiB) Viewed 55928 times

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Post by bjoern » 08.01.2012, 18:13

I downloaded the source code from ... m2download

I put the sources correctly into my Eclipse or similar environment, but I get Java3D errors. What is the reason?

Please check this website for a lot of information regarding the Java3D installation process on various systems: ... icationDev

In addition you will find a Step-by-Step installation instruction in the posting Install the MembraneEditor from Source with Eclipse.

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Java 3D Validation Error

Post by bjoern » 29.01.2014, 20:54

Java 3D Validation Error: if I start the MembraneEditor, the following error message is shown and the application does not start:
Cm2.2.2 Java 3D Validation Error
Cm2.2.2 Java 3D Validation Error
Cm2_2_2_validate_error.JPG (22.42 KiB) Viewed 54244 times
Note: This screenshot is taken from Linux, but I saw the same error (maybe with a little bit different sounding) occuring on Windows 8!

The certificate of the tool cannot be verified, because the new releases come with a new brilliant idea: the disabling of the online certificate validations. Of course, this makes sense for web start tools, why should we need something like this?!?

Okay, the solution is, to activate this option in the Advanced Settings of the Java Control Panel:
Cm2.2.2 Java 3D Validation Error: Solution
Cm2.2.2 Java 3D Validation Error: Solution
Cm2_2_2_validate_error_solution.JPG (51.01 KiB) Viewed 54244 times
The arrow indicates, which option has to be selected.

If you do not find this window, use for example the following command:

javaws -viewer

This command is also nice for administrating your Java Web Start applications, so it might make sense, to store this command somewhere in your head!

If you use this command, just close the window on the top, showing the Web Start files, and then you see the Java Control Panel. Now change to the tab "Advanced" and do the previously described step.

The next time you start Cm2.2.2, the certificate will be validated correctly.

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Post by bjoern » 24.10.2017, 12:52

In case you start your Web Start application and you see this window ("Application cannot be started") and after clicking on "Details" you get the info:
CmME cannot start because of different certificates
CmME cannot start because of different certificates
CmME_cannot_start_because_of_cert.PNG (34.16 KiB) Viewed 35893 times
"JAR Resources were not signed by the same certificate"

Please do the following:

Just reinstall the Java Application like you did it before from here (you do not have to remove it):

:?: Why that?

From time to time, the certificate to sign the software has to be renewed (because they are only valid for a limited amount of time). In this case, all packages have to be downloaded again, even if the source code did not change. If you start the application from the icon on the desktop, this update process does not always work correctly. If you just download the application again, everything should work again.

:!: Error persists?

In case the problem still persists, please remove the whole application from the Java WebStart application viewer:

In a command line, please type:

Code: Select all

javaws -viewer
Select the corresponding application and remove it by clicking the red cross.
CmME normal and S3D installations on a single machine in the Java Cache/WebStart Viewer
CmME normal and S3D installations on a single machine in the Java Cache/WebStart Viewer
CmME+S3Dversion_in_JavaWS_Viewer.PNG (19.42 KiB) Viewed 35893 times

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