This forum is aimed towards anybody who is working with the the MembraneEditor. Installation instructions are found here. Any questions, remarks or critics are welcome. Also this is a chance to get in contact with other users.
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Tune the MembraneEditor! Part II: Fun with 3D-Stereoscopy

Post by bjoern » 07.07.2012, 14:08

To run the MembraneEditor in Stereoscopy mode, you will need a professional 3D graphic card like the nVidia Quadro (FX) series or the ATI Fire GL cards.

(We are currently working also on a solution working with customer nVidia GTX cards and Stereo Vision, but at the moment there are still some problems with Java 3D compatibility.)


Graphic Cards:
nVidia Quadro
nVidia Quadro FX
and compatible

different solutions:
CRT with InfraRed adapters and active Shutter Glasses
Planar Monitors with StereoMirror Technique

Windows XP
Windows 7 (32 or 64 bit)
Linux (e.g. Ubuntu)

This tutorial applies to Windows Systems.

Activate 3D Stereoscopy on your Graphic Card

Open the nVidia menu (e.g. by clicking on your desktop and choosing "nVidia System Properties"). Navigate to "3D Properties -> Edit 3D Properties". Make sure "Stereo - active" is switched on and the "Stereo mode" is switched to the correct method. For a CRT with an InfraRed adapter this is usually "Integrated DIN-Connector", for a solution using a cloned window this is the "nView clone mode". If you have to change something make sure you clicked the "Apply" button on the bottom of the page.
Eclipse + Stereo: nVidia Settings
Eclipse + Stereo: nVidia Settings
CmME_stereo_1.PNG (69.9 KiB) Viewed 23496 times
If you are using the clone mode in your stereo settings, make sure your monitor is cloned appropriately. Go to Monitor -> Multiple Monitors and activate the clone mode:
Eclipse + Stereo: Clone Mode
Eclipse + Stereo: Clone Mode
CmME_stereo_2.PNG (85.39 KiB) Viewed 23495 times

Activate 3D Stereoscopy in Eclipse

Now the Stereoscopy mode is switched on for your graphic card. Now you have to tell Eclipse that is should start the MembraneEditor in Stereo Mode.

This does not work with the Web Start version. If you want to use this feature, follow the instructions at Install the MembraneEditor from Source with Eclipse.

In Eclipse, right click on the Cm2_2 project in the Package Explorer and select "Run as ... -> Run Configurations".
Eclipse + Stereo: Run Configurations
Eclipse + Stereo: Run Configurations
CmME_stereo_3.PNG (60.28 KiB) Viewed 23495 times
Now select in the left part of the window the correct start configuration which is usually "Start". Open the tab "Arguments" on the right side of the window. In the section "VM Arguments", enter:

Eclipse + Stereo: Activate Stereo
Eclipse + Stereo: Activate Stereo
CmME_stereo_4.PNG (27.8 KiB) Viewed 23495 times
Then click on "Run" and have a lot of fun!

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Re: Tune the MembraneEditor Part II: Fun with 3D-Stereoscopy

Post by bjoern » 07.07.2012, 14:55

Stereoscopy in the MembraneEditor

After starting the MembraneEditor, you should read now this in the console:

Code: Select all

StereoView enabled.
 Please use the StereoView window to adjust the settings.
The MembraneEditor will look like this:
Eclipse + Stereo: MembraneEditor in Stereo Mode
Eclipse + Stereo: MembraneEditor in Stereo Mode
CmME_stereo_5.PNG (75.3 KiB) Viewed 23495 times
Use now the slider in the upper right part of the window to change the intensity of the stereo effect.

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