Package org.jmol.g3d

Provides a software implementation of complete 3D graphics engine for rendering molecules and associated shapes.


Class Summary
Font3D Provides font support using a byte fid (Font ID) as an index into font table.
Graphics3D Provides high-level graphics primitives for 3D visualization.
Xyzd stores x,y,z plus diameter in a long maybe it was a silly idea.

Package org.jmol.g3d Description

Provides a software implementation of complete 3D graphics engine for rendering molecules and associated shapes. basic shapes.

This package implements all graphics primitives used by Jmol. The graphics engine does not use Java3D or OpenGL. It requires no specialized graphics hardware. This allows Jmol and the JmolApplet to run on any machine that has a JVM.

It is a software implementation of a graphics z-buffer. An int[] called pbuf (for pixel buffer) is used to hold ARGB values for pixels. A short[] called zbuf holds the z-depth value.

Shape primitives are provided for drawing spheres, cylinders, triangles, etc. Shading primitives provide lighting/shading support

Related Documentation

Makes use of javax.vecmath classes.