Package org.jmol.bspt

Provides Binary Space Partitioning Functionality to spacially separate data structures in n-dimensions For some useful background info, search the web for "bsp tree faq".


Interface Summary
Tuple To store objects in the bspt they must implement this interface so that coordinate values can be accessed along each dimension; In 3 dimensional space the values of dim will be in the range [0,2]

Class Summary
Bspf A Binary Space Partitioning Forest This is simply an array of Binary Space Partitioning Trees identified by indexes
Bspt a Binary Space Partitioning Tree The tree partitions n-dimensional space (in our case 3) into little boxes, facilitating searches for things which are *nearby*.
SphereIterator Iterator used for finding all points within a sphere or a hemisphere Obtain a SphereIterator by calling Bspt.allocateSphereIterator().

Package org.jmol.bspt Description

Provides Binary Space Partitioning Functionality to spacially separate data structures in n-dimensions

For some useful background info, search the web for "bsp tree faq".