8.2.3 Advanced Random Placing
This algorithm implements an improved random allocation. Unlike the usual random algorithm, this one has no infinite runtime. It also provides a couple of options that help make the bilayer densely packed:
Overall Density of Lipids
Use this slider in order to adjust the lipid density the membrane should have. The higher the value, the more time it will take.
A membrane with low and one with higher density settings
Random rotation
Here you can choose the type of random rotations applied to the lipids
Tolerance for Random Tilts
Sets the maximum angle (in degrees) that the lipids can be tilted to randomly on their X- and Z-Axis
Tolerance for Random Vertical Shifts
Sets the maximum distance (in angstrom) that the lipids can be randomly shifted upwards on their Y-Axis
A membrane with low settings on both, random tilts and shifts
A membrane with a higher setting on random tilts
A membrane with higher settings on random shifts
- Details
- Written by bjoern
- Category: Cm2help 8. The Lipid Bilayer
- Published: 14 September 2013
- Hits: 9420